what I have been looking forward to over the past four months of intense uni work; it's definitely the best reward! We were lucky enough to enjoy a white Christmas, as it snowed heavily on Boxing Day. It was magical.
So, today's look. Both the boots and coat are December sale purchases. Shoes and coats have become pieces I obsessively collect and many would probably say I have too many, but obviously, a girl can never have too many shoes (or coats)! Although I may be a little late on the band wagon concerning the knee-high black boot trend, I was searching for a pair which were both comfortable and fitted nicely - these more than fit the bill! The zip detailing is both unusual and stylish and the leather is super soft. Good things come to those who wait - I would always recommend waiting for your ideal item when a trend becomes popular. It just gives time for it to settle in and stores to start producing a larger variety of styles. The silky black fur headband was bought just before Christmas and was particularly useful when exploring a chilled Barcelona. An icy setting was imperative for today's look with all the fur involved, and this requirement was pretty simple to come across after such widespread snowfall over the weekend!
Coat and Necklace - Miss Selfridge
Dress - Missguided
Headband - Marks & Spencer
Boots - Aldo
More recent purchases and Christmas presents to be shown in future looks...
loveee your outfit and the weather look amazing xx
Love your blog! Fantastic! Your posts are really making me wish for warmer weather in canada so I can actually leave my house to take some fashion shots. Keep up the great work! xo