Jewellery is definitely the best way to inject some life and individuality into an outfit. I have always been a great believer in this, as my jewellery box is probably the most prolific thing I own (yes, probably more than shoes!). This week I present a small snapshot of the collection, focusing on rings. Like a magpie, I hoard all that sparkles; my ring collection has changed and evolved with my style, starting with statement bejewelled pieces and moving onto quantity with the ever-changing trends, overloading my hands with all shapes and sizes. This idea is definitely a popular trend when concocting that eclectic festival, glam holiday or boho look. However, when styling, if the moment calls for a singular statement item on my hands or around my neck then I wouldn't hesitate - variety is necessary!
Yesterday I went a little crazy in River Island's jewellery section. I was on the hunt for some midi rings to add to the three I already owned, but once I spotted the first one, the larger pastel gem flower ring, there was no stopping me. Their variety is spectacular and are very reasonably priced, between £2-£5, which only meant I was free to go wild. Its definitely worth a visit whether you are looking for rings, necklaces, body or head chains, bracelets or headbands! I also painted my nails especially for this post - nail art is great when you want to draw attention to your fingers.
Whilst these shots also feature previously owned rings (the chain link below the small heart ring, the owl face and the 3 band wrap-around ring - all Topshop), my favourites from the shopping session would either have to be the gold cat ears or the pink daisy ring. They just have that element of character.
I also bought a silver midi ring from River Island (featured on my ring finger)
My collection branches out into animals, with my favourite being the feline kind. These are some of my past purchases from Topshop over the years. Topshop is usually my favourite high street store when it comes to jewellery just for the pure quality. I would never isolate myself to one store however, as if a more personalised look is to be achieved every outlet should be covered! I wear both silver and gold rings depending on my mood and the colour palette of my outfit I am putting together. It is definitely worth having a variety for every eventuality. This was proven when I bought the safari themed rings for that very occasion, as I visited Kruger National Park in South Africa a couple of years ago and obviously had to be wearing appropriate jewellery..
Some statement jewels I mentioned. The centre piece is handmade with Swarovski crystals by my sister - a one of a kind! Whilst high street stores have a wide variety, if you're looking for something unique and individual you want to be looking at smaller boutiques or handmade jewellery websites.
My collection is definitely not complete and will most likely end up filling a larger box in the near future! That will be a thrilling day.

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